10 Amazing Home Remedies To Get Rid of Acne

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Acne or pimples typically start appearing in the teens and go on to last for a long time. The problem gets less severe after the age of thirty years. But for the time being, it’s an uphill climb for some people. This article is probably to discover a solution for treating your acne. If you read the following tips, you will understand how to take care of your skin better.

Here are some simple home remedies that you can use to rid yourself of acne in the convenience of your home. You’ll be amazed by the results.

Compress warm

Try soaking a clean cloth in hot water and putting the cloth on your face in particular towards the area where you have acne. This will smooth your skin and aid in the pimple developing into the pimple head, which will enable the healing process to speed up. Repeat this procedure twice every day at night and in the morning. keep your face clean all the time during the day.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be described as one of the kinds of essential oil that can be found at every cosmetic shop or supermarket as well. The chemical present in tea tree oil eliminates the bacteria that cause the pimple. Tea tree oil is a source of antibacterial compounds that aid us greatly in fighting pimples and acne. It’s a must-have product for every home.

Mix 1 teaspoon tea tree oil with 9 tablespoons of water. Dip small cotton buds, cotton wool, or any other clean cloth in the solution and place it to the area of the pimple. Leave the solution on your skin for approximately 10 minutes before cleaning it off with warm water. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizer after cleansing your face. keep this routine going for up to 5 days.

Toothpaste application

Toothpaste can be a handy home remedy that is used to treat a variety of things, and also pimples. It is recommended to apply white toothpaste, which is safe at all times. Apply the toothpaste to your acne to make it smaller and cause soreness throughout the night. Apply the toothpaste after a night’s sleep and let it sit for several hours before washing it away. Continue this process for about 4 to 5 days per day until the pimple disappears completely.


Like the tea tree oil also contains antibacterial ingredients to combat pimples. Honey is believed to be a cleanser, which you can use regularly to maintain the health of your face.

Apply a small amount of honey into a cotton ball to the pimple, and then leave it for around 10 or 20 minutes before washing your face. Repeat this 3 times per day for approximately one week to see the most effective results.

The juice of a lemon

The Citric acid in lemons helps combat pimples. It is also an excellent antibacterial ingredient that can help remove bacteria and dirt that have accumulated on your face. Apply lemon juice to the area affected with an ointment ball. Leave the area to air dry over a brief period of 20 minutes, and clean your face using slightly warm water. Repetition this procedure to maintain clean and fresh skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural remedy that can help reduce the redness and inflammation of acne. The healing process that happens on your face is a healthy move toward your face. Find an aloe vera plant, and then get the gel removed from it. Then, apply a tiny amount to the area of acne. It is recommended to keep the gel for about 20 minutes on the pimple before cleansing it. Do it twice daily for the best results and speedy results.

Epsom salt

One of the most commonly used home remedies for pimples includes Epsom salt. Epsom salt is also able to reduce inflammation and pain of acne.

Mix one teaspoon of Epsom salt in half a cup of water. Stir well until the salt has been dissolving in the drink. Keep the hot water container to let it cool until it is at an ambient temperature. Utilizing a cotton ball apply the solution to the area affected and allow it to dry by itself.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains an extensive amount of antiseptic substances that work to block bacterial energy, which can cause skin inflammations. The apple cider vinegar product is a product that is easily available in shops. A small amount of Apple cider vinegar using cotton wool to the area affected for a short time would be the best way to reduce acne. It is important to keep in mind that this product must not be left for longer than necessary on your skin because it can cause further burning to the skin.


Turmeric is an old Ayurveda remedy for pimples and acne. It can minimize inflammation and fight the growth of bacteria. The most effective method to apply turmeric to treat acne is to apply it directly in a form of a paste that is applied to the pimple. Allow the paste in place for 10 mins before cleaning it with water. Repeat every day until satisfactory results appear.

Try one or two of these strategies from the comfort of home, and you’ll be able to eliminate those appearances of acne that appear on your face. You’ll be delighted with the results these strategies provide.

10 Amazing Home Remedies To Get Rid of Acne

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